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13 September 2021

An India that's being nourished!

To see India as a nation that's beggar-free, a nation that nourishes its people equally, a nation that permits none to starve & a nation that offers everybody a shelter to stay, stand our NGO's one of the prior esteemed intentions. From supporting the underprivileged in extending every possible need & necessities to the starting of initiatives like “SEVA BHARAT” campaign, we've walked into various avenues of social service, that bring in the participation of almost every section and age group in the society. Through these programs, we foster the voice of charity, its need & the effect it reveals to the queue that is greatly required.


The initiative of “SEVA BHARAT” is one of putting efforts in serving Society over Self. It is yet another exposure to serve in a pan India level for a similar cause but in different ways. Its agenda is to support every section that engages orphans, old-age homes, children in government schools & even the ones physically disabled. It also brings to address issues relating to domestic violence, rape survivors & sexually abused women. It further goes on to spread awareness regarding Cleanliness Drive, Sanitation Ease & Plastic Free environment by putting up innovative ideas of slogan writing, poster making & wall sketches. Not only that, but it even promotes the significance of Yoga, Physical Exercises and Meditation to outreach the masses for natural nourishment of the self.

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